Labour of Love By Navneet Kaur

GAPTCON Blog Writing Competition


Pain, Sacrifice, Care, Love– is what a woman is known for.

Labour is the Pain that a woman goes through after getting 9 months of Care to experience the Love of being a mother. And motherhood is all about sacrifices.

It is the duty of a healthcare provider to help her go through the changes she experiences. What we as physiotherapist can do is help her in pre and post natal period by prescribing exercises.

  • Some relaxation techniques help woman to cope with labour pain.
  • Acupuncture can help initiate contractions by releasing oxytocin and may also help to reduce pain.
  • Breathing exercises for relaxation and to prevent anxiety.

Helping a woman to deal with stress and anxiety should always be the priority as these affects both mother and baby. Physiotherapist can play a significant role in guiding new mothers prenatally, antenatally and postnatally about newborn care, breastfeeding, sexual activity during pregnancy


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